20 years of working toward freedom, justice, and equality.



USCPR at 20!

In October 2001, over 30 activists gathered in New York City for the first meeting of what would become the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR). Edward Said, Phyllis Bennis, Nadia Hijab, David Wildman, and Kathy Bergen—and the American Friends Service Committee—all played formative roles in strategizing and forming the coalition. First called the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation (2001-2016), USCPR has now held 16 national conferences, been featured in tens of thousands of media hits, and mobilized hundreds of thousands to speak out for Palestinian rights. From the beginning, USCPR believed in pairing grassroots strength with a congressional strategy of engagement

With your support, we’ve come a long way. And we have much left to do to bring about liberation and return for the Palestinian people. In this year’s annual report, we share highlights from the past year alongside a 20-year timeline of some of our biggest accomplishments.



Thank you for standing with us for 20 years.

Twenty years ago, activists and organizers who, like you, were committed to the Palestinian cause, founded the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights in the midst of the Al-Aqsa Intifada. 

Their vision then remains one we share proudly to this day—freedom, justice, and equality for the Palestinian people in a world without racism and oppression. We’ve cultivated a national network of activists and organizations who believe freedom for the Palestinian people is an integral part of achieving our collective liberation

Thank you for your role in equipping USCPR with the resources vital to building and bringing together the U.S. solidarity movement for Palestinian rights.

As we write USCPR’s next chapters together, we believe wholeheartedly that in our lifetime freedom, justice, and equality for the Palestinian people will become a reality. With you behind us, Palestinian liberation is within our reach.


Ahmad Abuznaid

Executive Director

Mina Aria

Steering Committee Co-Chair


Scroll through below to see how USCPR has grown over the years.


 2020-2021 highlights


  • 19 trainings conducted with 344 participants.

  • 64,000+ supporters sent the Rise Up With Palestine letter to tell their elected officials to sanction Israeli apartheid.

  • 217,000+ additional actions taken by grassroots supporters of USCPR in 2020-2021, including 184,000+ actions so far in 2021.

  • 16 youth advocacy fellows participate in our first year of the fellowship program, leading local work in over 10 cities.


  • At least 105 media mentions in 2020-2021, including 45 so far in 2021.

  • USCPR staff and statements quoted in media at least 55 times in 2020-2021, including 31 so far in 2021.

  • Over 2 million reached through USCPR social media accounts.

  • 15,000 Instagram followers and 200% growth.

  • “What’s Happening in Silwan” graphics reached about 375,000 impressions on Twitter.


  • 3,660 olive saplings planted in Palestine in 2020, thanks to 1,303 donors and 32 peer-to-peer fundraisers.

  • 2,293 new first-time donors in 2021. 

  • 537 members of the Olive Branch Club, sustaining USCPR’s work with monthly donations.


See the impact of Jerusalem Action Month in August 2021, a national campaign that USCPR convened in partnership with 11 other organizations.


youth advocacy network fellows

Grassroots movements make political change possible. Through USCPR’s Youth Advocacy Network Fellowship Program, we nurture rising leaders and their local campaigns to transform U.S. policy toward justice.


Lama hantash -

2020-2021 youth fellow

“Through the USCPR youth advocacy network fellowship, I learned to more deftly navigate the structural challenges in my organizing work, which allowed me to turn potential areas of friction into opportunities for growth. This was especially useful in facilitating and uplifting the instrumental contributions of low-capacity allies.”


Ahlam - 2020 youth fellow

“The USCPR youth advocacy network fellowship program has specifically helped me build local campaigns harnessing people power. Being a USCPR youth fellow has taught me to dream outside of the box, and realize that liberation is possible even without playing into systems that try and keep us down.”



how uscpr brings the movement together


Invest in Justice

The Invest in Justice coalition advances national campaigns by creating resource exchanges, trainings, mentorship, and infrastructure for grassroots advocacy as well as national-level narrative and storytelling interventions, which together advance concrete policy wins. The coalition aims to create and pass U.S. policies in Congress to end U.S. military funding to Israel and advance the transformative Freedom Is the Future demands (, while bolstering movements to end U.S. investment in militarism and reinvest in community needs.

Demilitarize U.S. to Palestine

Demilitarize U.S. to Palestine is a new national network of individuals and grassroots organizations that seeks to end state violence and police militarization in the U.S. and Palestine. Launched in May 2021, the network brings together national organizations such as USCPR, JVP, FOSNA, Dissenters, the Palestinian Youth Movement, and the BDS National Committee alongside local activists to plan local and regional actions and campaigns.


Congressional Work


End Medical Apartheid

Representative Betty McCollum's historic bill, H.R. 2590, the Palestinian Children and Families Act, insists on the rights to safety, dignity, and freedom for the Palestinian people. With our partners, we also secured 140 organizational endorsers of this legislation, including the Movement for Black Lives, Detention Watch Network, United We Dream, Win Without War, MADRE, Grassroots Global Justice Alliance, and many more. The bill currently has 30 co-sponsors.


Rise up with Palestine

As Israeli pressure on Jerusalem intensified and all-out attacks began on Gaza in spring 2021, our Rise Up With Palestine campaign quickly generated 200,000+ messages to Congress demanding that Congress sanction Israeli apartheid, end military funding, and respond to Palestinian calls for freedom, justice, and safety.


Liberation within reach

“I was born in Jerusalem and I witnessed the occupation my whole childhood. I did not expect to come to a day when Palestinian justice advocates could be heard like this in Congress.”

- Ahmad Abuznaid, USCPR Executive Director, remarks from a May 2021 call with eight Members of Congress



Advancing Palestinian Rights from the Local to National

Launching the Demilitarize U.S. to Palestine Coalition

In partnership with the BDS movement, USCPR has organized a new coalition, Demilitarize U.S. to Palestine, to advance local, regional, and national campaigns that seek to end U.S. police collaborations with Israel, stop militarized policing, and build ties between U.S.-based abolitionist work and the international Palestinian rights movement. The racial justice uprisings in 2020 and Israel’s attacks in 2021 led to an emerging synergy around a wide, multi-city network to inspire campaigns to end U.S. institutional collaboration with apartheid Israel. Over 100 organizations joined a national launch in May 2021 and public actions, mainly at Boeing offices to date, have already taken place in a number of cities. 

Drop the ADL Leads to Big Victory

In 2021, we have also advanced Drop the ADL work, most notably with five members of the Civil Society Fellowship sponsored by the Aspen Institute and the Anti-Defamation League resigning in protest, writing “we will not allow ourselves to be used to further legitimize the ADL’s image and the harm that it causes.”

Landmark BDS Win

After years of supporting local work in Vermont to challenge Ben & Jerry’s involvement in Israeli settlements, in 2020 we also consulted directly with the Movement for Black Lives on conversations about social justice they were having with Ben & Jerry’s. Due to the years of organizing efforts, these conversations helped lead to Ben & Jerry’s announcing its decision to stop selling its ice cream in Israeli settlements. This is a significant partial victory and step forward, signaling a massive narrative shift toward Palestinian liberation in the U.S. 



 A landmark win


“The decision by Ben & Jerry’s may be our most important BDS win to date. It opens the door for other mainstream companies to heed the Palestinian call for cutting ties with the Israeli state.”

- Sandra Tamari, Adalah Justice Project Executive Director and former steering committee chair of USCPR



A year of online organizing

As we’ve responded to the global pandemic, much of our organizing has taken place online. We’ve seen rapid growth in online followers, and the graphics below from Instagram share a sense of some of the bigger campaigns we’ve led, participated in, and shared online.







2020 revenue

75% of our funding comes from individuals, ensuring our work remains sustainable, flexible, and cutting-edge. Thank you for your support, which has allowed us to grow our budget and expand our work more than ten-fold over the last 20 years.

uscpr revenue growth 2004-2020


The US Campaign for Palestinian Rights is a nonprofit charitable organization. 

Every generous contributions to USCPR powers our work to advance Palestinian rights and demand an end to U.S. complicity in Israeli human rights abuses.

Thank you for your support!



In 2021, generous supporters like you allowed USCPR to advocate for Palestinian rights on local and national levels. Thank you! Donate Online today at Here are ways you can make even more possible:

Olive Branch Club

Join our Olive Branch Club, a community of monthly donors dedicated to freedom, justice, and equality for the Palestinian people. By becoming a member, you’re helping power the movement for Palestinian rights year-round.

Workplace Giving

Employer matching programs give donors an opportunity to double or even triple their impact. Contact your employer today to find out whether your company matches charitable donations of employees.

Donor Advised Funds (DAFs)

A donor advised fund is an easy, cost-effective, and flexible way to give to causes you care most about. If you have a donor advised fund, and would like to donate, you can make your grant recommendation to USCPR.

Legacy Giving

Create a legacy of justice by including USCPR in your estate plan or will. Your planned gift ensures we can continue our important work until freedom, justice, and equality are afforded to all.

Contact Information

For additional information, please contact Mike Daly, Development Director, at or (703) 312-6360.


Our Mission

As part of a global movement in solidarity with the Palestinian people, we work to stop U.S. support for Israel until it ends its denial of Palestinian rights.


Our Vision

Freedom, justice, and equality for the Palestinian people in a world without racism and oppression.

US Campaign for Palestinian Rights
PO Box 3609
Washington, DC 20027

(703) 312-6360


Twitter: @USCPR_
Instagram: @uscpr